In the old days, when you had an achy tummy your first reaction was not to go to the doctor’s office but to look for a fresh ginger root and honey add into a boiling water then sip the warm concoction slowly , or if you have cholesterol issues, the humble garlic is known to be an excellent blood thinner and could help lower cholesterol levels.
Nowadays, however, new technology and increasingly advertised pharmaceutical products have pushed away the natural old fashion way of healing approach.
Let me now take you back to walk in those memory lane of natural home remedies ….
For Colds & Flu : Making tea from lemon , honey and some slices of fresh ginger. Take a hotbath or footbath with ginger, peppermint or eucalyptus, those will help you perspire which get rid of toxins from the body. Cloves is a natural antibiotic and is good for all brochial and lung complaints.
For Coughs : If you have a persistent cough, try a poultice of roasted onion applied to the chest every two hours. Make infusion of grated or smashed fresh ginger root with cloves and cinnamon to help ease a chesty cough and reduce congestion.
For Asthma : Try soaking a fresh cabbage leaf in hot water until saturated, add some few cloves of garlics and drink the liquid. A glass of sherry or / and carrot juice each day reducing the risk of asthma attack.
For Arthiritis & Rheumatism : Tumeric is known to be good for arthritis , so use plenty in your food. Potatoes have excellent anti inflamatory properties and can help relieve pain. Chillies and Bellpeppers are rich in capsaicin, an active chemical that desensitized nerves and control pains.
For Back Pain : Regular Massage is an excellent for most kinds of back problem. Epsom Salts added to a hotbath will help relaxed the muscles and ease the pain, some lavender drops would also good to calm the mind.
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