Holistic Approach


Cranial Sacral

The intent of performing cranial works is to facilitate a Release.  The application of this therapy is manifested in the thechnique to follow the motion of the cranial bones,  restrictions will release as the therapist provides the ‘Still Point’ around or over which a constantly tense membrane operates.  Release is when a barrier dissolves and the bone is able to resume its natural movement pattern, the patient’s breathing becoming slower or deeper, an emotional release such as weeping possibly occurs.

Gua Sha / Kerik

Gua Sha in Chinese means ” to scrape away the pain ” which has similar meaning in Indonesian ‘Kerik’ ( to scrape ).  Catching a cold or fever in Indonesian culture is often referred as ‘ to catch wind’ so the scraping is to push away the wind.

Both lactic and uric acid can get trapped underneath the skin or within a bound up muscle due to the lack of drainage caused by the decreased blood flow. Raising sha removes blood stagnation considered pathogenic in traditional East Asian medicine. Modern research shows the transitory therapeutic petechiae produce an anti inflammatory and immune protective effect that persists for days following a single Gua sha treatment accounting for the immediate relief that patients feel from pain, stiffness, etc.

Gua Sha / Kerik involves repeated pressured strokes over lubricated skin with a smooth- edge, commonly a jade, water buffalo horn, ceramic or simply a well worn coin.  The scrapes causes extravasation of blood from the peripheral capillaries and may result in sub-cutaneous blemishing, which usually takes 2 – 4 days to fade.  Sha / Kerik marks does not represent capillary rupture as in bruising.

Herbal & Oil

Herbal ball is blends of herbs packaged in a form of a ball known as the traditional therapy in Asia.  This special blends of herbs such as ; Tumeric, Camphor, Ginger, Lemongrass, Myrtle grass, Sweet Sage, Skin of Orange, Tamarind, Sweet Basil, Patchouli, and Kafir Lime, steamed and use as massage tool by the therapist to help relieve muscle and joint pain, increase blood circulation thus promotes the production of endorphine within the body.

Healing Oil that Irma’s Touch uses is ” Minyak Gosok” originated from Indonesia.  It is a medicated oil for topical analgestic using ; achyranthes root extract, cajuput oil, coconut oil, chinese wild ginger herb extract, galangal rhyzoma extract, cinnamomum culliawan oil and others.  The oil has been use historically by the Indonesian for the treatment of burns, wounds, bruises as well as muscles and joint disorders.

Ear Candling

Ear Candling is an old remedy revived.  It is a natural ear healing technique that begin centuries ago.  Given its name because the practitioner uses a hollow waxed cloth candle .  This simple home remedy would help assist in the removing of ear wax and may improve some conditions like sinus, ear ache, swimmer’s ear, some chronic headaches and allergies.

Detox Foot bath

A Bio Energizer is powered by Q Science, where ancient wisdom meets modern technology produced a Detox Foot bath. Our body have accumulated and stored a large number of toxins over the course of our live and the endocrine system needs help to clean those toxins out so that our body can function optimally. The treatment will take about 30 minutes and patients will just sit down with their feet on the foot bath, drink water and relax.  There will be a colour change ( orange/yellow or darker) in the water due to a reaction of the saline solution withdrawing the toxin out of your body.

Typically, this Detox will be accompanied with other modalities such as ; Lymphatic Drainage massage or Gua-Sha treatment and Reflexology to get the optimum result.

This treatment cannot be done to anyone who suffers from epilepsy, has a pacemaker fitted, has an organ implants, pregnant, under age of 10 and if one have any open wounds or abrasions on your feet.



A holistic approach to wellness, Aroma theraphy utilizes natural essential oils extracted from wide variety of plants to promote health, vitality and to instill a sense of harmony with the natural world.

Aroma Touch by do’Terra  :  Stress Reduction, Immune Enhancements, Inflammatory Reduction, Homeostasis

Aura Casia  :  Chill Pill ; Meditative ; Tranquility; Comforting ; Stabilizing  —       Elevating ; Exhilarating ; Awakening ; Renewing ; Cooling ; Strengthening ; Uplifting ; Balancing ; Centering  —     Pillow Potion ;  Love Potion

Aroma Chakras Balancing :  Grounding ( root chakra ) ; Creativity ( sacral chakra ) ; Protection ( solar plexus ) ; Opening ( heart chakra ) ; Release (throat chakra ) ; Intuition ( third eye ) ; Spiritual ( crown chakra )




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